Welcome to OPeraTIC

Boosting the use of ultra-short-pulsed lasers in the manufacturing industry.


OPeraTIC is boosting the use of ultra-short-pulsed lasers through researching, developing and building an innovative AI-powered platform. This research and innovation will provide enhanced benefits into large scale industrial manufacturing, which will be validated through four testbed use cases in the sectors of: 1) Home Appliances, 2) Aeronautics, 3) Automotive, and 4) Lighting.

Through basing the innovation in user-centred research and design, the outputs of the project are foreseen to be efficient and user-friendly, ensuring maximium impact for industrial applications.


Four pillars support the development of the OPeraTIC outcomes, being the backbone of our research: the machine architecture (optics and mechatronics), the digital architecture (electronics and data), the Machine Intelligence (AI), and the adaptive processing of complex, 3D parts. Through combining these processes, OPeraTIC will create a state-of-the-art platform, which can revolutionise the manufacturing industry.



Introducing the LIMES Cluster

The OPeraTIC project is proud to be part of the LIMES cluster — a group of EU projects dedicated to advancing sustainable, laser-based manufacturing innovations.

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Partner visit Updates!

Partner visit Updates!  Successful Collaboration Between OPeraTIC Partners: TUD Visits AIMEN for Key Testing In August, our partners from Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) visited AIMEN

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