International School on Light Sciences and Technologies (VII-ISLIST)

17 - 21 June 2024

The seventh edition of our ISLIST summer school (VII-ISLIST) will take place in June 17-21, 2024 with the core topic “Light in Communications, Sensing and Lighting“. See here the final report from the previous edition.

This school is envisioned to be a worldwide top International forum (every fourth week of June) on Light Sciences and Technologies in the framework of a “special top university” that is recognized as the “university of universities” and in a privileged environment “the Royal Magdalena Palace” in Santander, Cantabria, Spain. Each edition of this international school will have an intensification or main core in a specific application area and additional current hot topics. Light in Communications, Sensing and Lighting will be the core of 2024 edition.





ISLiST has been conceived as a great opportunity to review, actualize and improve the knowledge of scientists, professionals and technicians; to contribute to the education and to enhance the motivation of PhD students; to offer an ideal frame for networking and also to contribute to the education of the citizens. It is also a great opportunity to ensure that policymakers, entrepreneurs, and other key “actors” will be aware of the problem-solving potential of Photonics.


17 - 21 June 2024

Santander, Spain